Facial Reflexology Sorensensistem™
Facial Reflexology Sorensensistem™ (also known as Facial Reflex Therapy Sorensensistem™) is a holistic reflexology treatment carried out on the face; the client is fully clothed and lies flat on a treatment couch. It was invented, researched and developed by Lone Sorensen. Sorensensistem™ instructors and their students (therapists qualified by practical technique and written examination) are available worldwide.
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Lones Story, written by Graham Sluter

Face Value Article, Psychologies Magazone
A body & mind body therapy article by Nadia Marks after recieving a Sorensensistem™ facial reflexology treatment given by Graham Sluter to Nadia Marks at Hotel Tresanton’s four day Revive programme in January 2011 & published in Psychologies Magazine UK, May 2011 edition.
Facial Reflexology Article
An article detailing facial reflex therapy